You are an amazing husband and father who we couldn't live without. Have a great day babe! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!! We love you so very much! =)
(you know this makes you older than me, right?) HAHA!
Well they sit in diaper boxes of course! =) Christian thought the empty diaper box was the coolest thing ever! Why do we buy him toys again? He climbed in and out of that thing about 5 times before sitting in there for at least 5 minutes straight. He NEVER sits still that long!!! Turns out he was in there filling his diaper for mommy...lucky me! =)
Yesterday Christian had a playdate with his friend Jack. I met Jack's parents - Jill and Paul when Christian was only a couple months old. We met through Craigslist - I bought their Moby wrap from them. When we met to pick up the wrap we instantly hit it off...talking about all the newborn baby questions and concerns we both had. Jack was born the day after Christian so they're very close in age. Jill & Paul recently purchased a new home very close to where we live so they had us over for BBQ yesterday afternoon.
The boys haven't seen each other since 4 months old so this visit was much more entertaining. Jack kept trying to hug and kiss on Christian - which was adorable but Christian wasn't comfortable with all the affection. He kept getting scared and started to cry everytime Jack hugged him. LOL! Christian needs to get out more! =)
Christian's favorite toy these days is his Cozy Coupe! He pushes it all over the living room, kitchen, and down the hallway. He also likes to sit on it backwards but hasn't figured out how to ride it yet. So cute!
Paul was off work all last week using up some vacation, so I decided to take a half day off Friday. I left work at noon and we headed to the Zoo. It was Christians first trip to the Zoo. We rode the train all the way around the park, took a spin on the big carousel, saw LOTS of animals, and Christian even tried his very first Frozen Lemonade. He kept making funny faces right after taking a bite, but kept opening his mouth for more so I guess he liked it!? LOL!
He didn't seem too impressed with any of the sights until we found some water fountains in the Children's Zoo area. He loves water and was having soo much fun splashing around! After a couple of minutes he was drenched. You can tell by the last pic that he was NOT ready to stop playing in the water! But the Zoo was about to close and we had to head home.
Christian had his 1 year well visit with Dr. Huger on Wednesday, June 30th. He did really well. He now weighs 23 lbs 8 ozs and is 31 inches long. She said he's developing beautifully. The one thing she wants us to change is to have him drink all milk from a sippy cup instead of his bottle. So we took all the bottles away cold turkey yesterday! Ahhh! He misses it for sure but is doing pretty well considering. She also wants us to cut his milk intake in half. He was drinking (4) 8oz bottles/day which is waaay too much. He should be drinking between 15-20oz instead. She said cutting out the bottle will help decrease his milk intake too.
The hardest part of this will be night time. He loved that last bottle before bed. I gave him a sippy of milk to drink last night in the living room and he drank about 12 ounces from that. Then I took him in his room to rock him to sleep and he ended up crying about 30 minutes before giving it up. Poor baby!!! =( Hopefully tonight will go better. I'm happy this is a long holiday weekend since I'll be home with him and work on drinking from the sippy. I feel just as bad for Eddie as I do for Christian. It's not easy to be the caregiver and get through tough changes like this one. Hopefully it won't take long for him to forget all about the bottle.
Best of the Best Pot Roast
This is the best of the best . . . the meat is fall-apart,
melt-in-your-mouth tender, with the most beautiful beef flavor throughout.
Carrots on the bot...
6 Months Old...
Liam is 6 Months old on Dec. 24! Sorry for the late post, Christmas time
was very busy for us! Liam made out like a bandit of course! So far this
boy h...